Asphalt Milling

Asphalt Milling is Important for Northwest Indiana

One reason, and maybe the best reason for asphalt milling, is to reduce the impact of paving on the environment by recycling the material. Asphalt milling is better than using gravel in the mix because it is more durable and stands up to our NWI winters. Believe it or not, it helps melt the snow faster and reduces ice buildup. We also use milling to remove surface distresses in order to provide a better driving experience and a longer driveway or parking lot life.

Milling is the process of removing part of the paved surface and grinding it to be used again as aggregate in new pavement. It is used to control or change the height of the road. There are levels to be considered when planning for curb reveals, manholes and catch basin heights, shoulder and guardrails, and overhead clearances. Asphalt milling is used to change the slope or camber of the road or for grade adjustments which can help with drainage.

Asphalt milling will remove or repair:

  • Raveling: aggregate becoming separated from the binder and loose on the road
  • Bleeding: the binder (asphalt) coming up to the surface of the road
  • Rutting: formation of low spots in pavement along the direction of travel usually in the wheel path
  • Shoving: a washboard-like effect transverse to the direction of travel
  • Ride quality: uneven road surface such as swells, bumps, sags, or depressions
  • Damage: resulting from accidents or fires